25日,就日美關於我劃設東海防空識別區的表態,中國國防部和外交部分別做出回應,稱日方言論毫無道理,同時要求美方立即糾正錯誤,停止對中方說三道四。要求日方停止一切損害中國領土主權的行為11月23日中國政府宣佈劃設東海防空識別區後,日方稱不能接受該防空識別區覆蓋釣魚島,已向中方提出交涉。對此,國防部新聞發言人楊宇軍說日方的言論是毫無道理的,中方對此完全不接受。中國國防部外事辦公室23日晚已嚮日本駐華使館武官處提出嚴正交涉。楊宇軍說,釣魚島是中國固有領土,中方維護釣魚島主權的決心和意志堅定不移。近年來,日方以進入本國防空識別區為由,頻繁出動軍機跟蹤監視在東海上空正常訓練、巡邏的中方飛機,嚴重妨礙飛越自由,極易引發安全事故和意外事件。日本官方還利用媒體惡意炒作中方的正常合法飛行,企圖混淆視聽,製造對抗情緒。事實證明,製造地區緊張局勢的正是日本自己。我們強烈要求日方停止一切損害中國領土主權的行為,停止發表誤借款導國際輿論、製造地區緊張氣氛的不負責任言論。外交部發言人秦剛說,中國政府主管部門已全面介紹了中方劃設東海防空識別區的有關依據和考慮,中方有關舉措完全符合《聯合國憲章》等國際法和國際慣例,也是完全正當的。日方對中方劃設東海防空識別區說三道四毫無道理,是完全錯誤的,中方堅決反對。中國外交部和駐日本使館已據理駁回日方的無理交涉,要求日方糾正錯誤。秦剛重申,我們要求日方停止一切損害中國領土主權的行動,為通過對話談判妥善處理和解決問題作出努力。要求美方立即糾正錯誤停止說三道四中國政府宣佈劃設東海防空識別區後,美國國務院等表示關切。秦剛說,外交部部長助理鄭澤光24日就此向美國駐華大使駱家輝提出嚴正交涉,要求美方立即糾正錯誤,停止對中方說三道四。楊宇軍表示,國防部外事辦公室24日晚就美方有關錯誤言論向美駐華使館武官處提出嚴正交涉。楊宇軍說,釣魚島及其附屬島嶼是中國固有領土。中方堅定捍衛釣魚島的領土主權。當前釣魚島局勢完全是日方錯誤行徑造成的。美方應在釣魚島主權問題上切實做到不選邊站隊,不再發表不當言論,不釋放可能助長日本冒險性的錯誤信號。楊宇軍說,我們敦促美方切實尊重中國的國家安全,停止對中方劃設東海防空識別區的正當行為說三道四,為亞太地區和平穩定作出實實在在的努力。又訊25日出版的《解放軍報》發表了對海軍軍事法院院長傅曉東的專訪。傅曉東說,中國劃設東海防空識別區合理合法。  (原標題:劃設東海防空識別區合理合法)

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  南海網三亞11月10日消息(三亞新聞網記者 鄧松) 11月10日下午,三亞新聞網記者從供電部門獲悉,截至中午12時,三亞電網有12條線路出現跳閘。據三亞供電局相關負責人介紹,受颱風影響,城區跳閘的線路可能還會增多。由於目前風力較大,還無法確定跳閘具體原因。該負責人表示,待風力減弱至能夠確保安全的前提下,供電部門工作員將第一時間對受影響線路進行搶修。  (原標題:強颱風致三亞電網12線路跳閘 供電局:原因待查)

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幻想與現實電腦又重灌了,那就找個新桌面吧。 在「插圖」那一欄裡找到一個好可愛的,但是不知道從哪裡來的圖片, 好可愛啊,好可愛啊,心中唸個不停,到底是哪裡偷來的呢?是花間的小精靈嗎? 看了一下,有英文字耶,XIAH JUNSU,耶??汽車借款?再看看那個可愛的小精靈,喔,原來是向日葵小花妖,哈哈哈哈哈………… 也許是因為 也許是因為 但是,人家明明已經長大了, 還是個卡 卡 卡 卡帥哥了, 孩子到底是要長大好,還是不要長大好啊??? 人的印象總是停留在某個我們最想留住的整合負債地方。從東方家族裡的CP文裡,就可以知道秀秀的粉絲最初把他定位在什麼樣的形象──都是非常純真的,無邪的,陽光的,還有,易臉紅的,…..比較令我不解的,為什麼把一個愛踢足球的男生塑造成女性(其實也不是女生,只是小受)?是因為比較愛融資笑、愛撒嬌嗎? 秀秀你很想改變形象吧?可是對我而言,無論你是走可愛風,或是走卡里斯馬路線,都是一樣的可愛。最重要的,一首beautiful things 讓我從此在東方神起合唱中第一個就可以分辨出你的聲音,後來,……你越來越會扭動的小蠻腰也蠻當鋪驚人的^^;;;,…… 印象中要從五個大男孩(高中生)到五個小男人(大學生)的變化實在太大,我常常哀嘆著, 孩子到底是要長大好,還是不要長大好啊??? (向我所有去挖圖的妹妹們至上最高敬意,我實在是忘了哪張圖從哪裡來的了,一併致謝借款。)

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精采絕倫的徽章設計!早上在逛設計網站時看到一篇關於徽章設計的文章, 還搭配了許多美美的照片, 轉貼於此跟大家分享一下!! 看到這麼多可愛的徽章真是讓人心情愉快呀!!--Handcraft Strikes Back: Buttons, Badges, Pins and Clips May 19th, 2008 in Monday InspirationButtons, badges and pins stand for a medium which is often underestimated and not taken seriously. That’s a pity, because designed properly, badges and buttons can effectively communicate ideas to your potential customers and impress them with something creative and beautiful.In this post we cover some interesting ideas for design of buttons, badges, pins and clips — traditional handcraft which can be attached to cloth, bags, documents and whatever you can think of. You may use them to deliver some idea or message, in web design (e.g. Missy makes use of them) or in the merchandise for promotion purposes.Not all examples presented below fit to all environments; some of them are more likely to be used in informal environments. You don’t want to have a Bart Simpson screaming at your boss during the job interview, do you? You may want to check out some ideas for laptop sleeves, skins and stickers as well.Why buttons? 烤肉Buttons are powerful because they show what is important to the person wearing it, which ideas he or she supports and what kind of a person you are dealing with. Some buttons can make people pass away with a subtle smile, the other ones can send a message to the world, and as such, pose a very powerful medium to explore. Which is why we, designers, can make use of them, packaging ideas in small and “portable” objects of daily life.So why not surprise your clients by handing in some pretty and creative pins, buttons or stickers one can attach to cloth, bags, laptops or personal documents? In most online-shops you can upload your own designs and produce dozens of buttons at a very cheap price. Therefore we want to focus your attention on the power of buttons and badges and give you some ideas for your future designs.Buttons and Badges Toy Robots - pinback buttonsRobots in the town! And they are pretty sweet, too! We steal your mail to keep you safe“Just in time for the postal rate increase.” Sometimes, buttons can make something think or laugh. This button may not make any sense, but it is provoking and as such desevers a place in our selection. Ampersand buttonIf you 酒肉朋友love ampersands, you’ll love this button, too. Bird Talk (Red) badgeA twittering button for Twitter users. Or maybe talking about birds is one of your favourite subjects? Cassette Tape buttonsCassette Tape for record collectors. You can show what is important to you without saying a word about it. Angel Tea badge“Tea is a gift from the gods. Coffee is a gift from the ninnies.” Simpsons badgesBadges: good. The Simpsons badges: better. Buttons for DesignersNintendo DS Lite button, Mario, Adobe and… do you recognize the man at the right in the second row? BSW Buttons by ~thagerottPure typography can also be used for badges and buttons. Mozilla and RSS buttonsThe promotion of your products can be done with badges. In the examples below Firefox, Thunderbird and RSS buttons are presented. Well, literally RSS-buttons. Dessert K: Kiwi JellyMmmmm, tasty! Dessert Kiwi Jelly and Apple Pie. This fruity dessert is really happy. Dessert A-Z button series by hakee+ from Hong Kong. Hello Jupiter Four ButtonsButtons can also be pretty colorful. sketchBot ButtonsThese characters are pretty tough and sweet. “i love u…” buttonThat’s an interesting idea. Two characters communicate via, 褐藻醣膠well, external medium — a piece of thread. Pop Labs ButtonsPop Labs buttons have the form of a bottle cap. buttons by ~scrape Love badges Baby-Sitters Club Graphic Novel Buttons Bota Fora Goma!Buttons have a form of a cloth button. Space Invader badgesSpace Invaders are coming back. Pixel art can be used for badges as well. Geek SetHave you even been in love with the square root? Uber Geek BadgesHave you even been in loved with the square root? Empressr ButtonsIcons can communicate ideas in your design projects. They can communicate ideas through your buttons as well. 1 + 1 = 2Well, that’s kind of clear, but cute also. Stencil Graffiti Button Set - Star Wars FightersGrunge and Graffiti art applied to buttons design. Bookworm buttonsSending the message in the office. TV Dinner Monster Pins Skull Rock 6-PackSkulls don’t have to be scary. They can be sweet, too. Hand-drawn Buttons Fabric buttons Spock pinsMade from 1960s Star Trek comic book. Cassette Badge Sets ajoelhaPop art collage. “Get on your knees and confess”. Birthday Surprise! New Pocket Mirrors! Radial Pattern buttons Toilet Paper ButtonsHm, this is an unusual theme for buttons design. But that’s exactly what 膠原蛋白makes them different. We don’t know what is the idea behind, though. DeathGob Badges DSCN2932 Filter017 Pins origami badges I Love Pirates button Hey Cupcake! pinback buttons Mi prima CarnalLove is in the air. And on your button. Reading is Sexy button Proud to be greenSimple, nice and clean pattern on greenish buttons. Sweet Skull 6-PackUnusual design: these pinback buttons with Japanese skulls and sweets on silver and red shiny, sparkly hologram papers. Rob Jan’s “Fantastique” badge cloakThis is the back of a Star Trek Klingon patterned Science Fiction and Fantasy trophy cloak. This view shows the back and two side panels fully deployed. All of the badges are either drawn in the computer, obtained on line or hand drawn and painted by Rob Jan. Impressive. Handcraft bt2 pincushion old pin cushion pin cushion 2 Pincushions Le Ragazzine Buttons Blossom badges Petit Petisserie Warm ‘n Fuzzy Flower Buttons Blossom badges drought relief - felt art ‘Strawberry Sundae’ wall art Crafting 365, day 173 - pink teacups Last Click Bee buttons Cupcake buttons Plates of tarts

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